Last Updated: Mar 31, 2016 10:47AM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
Mar 31, 2016 10:47AM ● By Linda Sechrist
The supply of fresh H2O essential for human health is dwindling with pollution and development, but a wave of support is building to claim clean water as a basic human right.
Mar 30, 2016 11:00AM ● By Michael Green
The most recent oil market plummet has been a missed opportunity to lay the groundwork to move our economy away from fossil fuels.
Feb 29, 2016 05:15PM ● By April Thompson
Creative subdivisions are being built around working farms that include homegrown veggies and even chickens and lambs.
Feb 29, 2016 04:54PM
Huge indoor farms relying on vertically stacked trays are producing 100 times more food per square foot than traditional methods while using 99 percent less water and 40 percent less power.
This summer New York will lease 500 solar-powered foods trucks to vendors that currently consume petrochemicals to drive, power equipment and cook food.
Kitchens can easily be energy hogs, but strategies such as using convection ovens, slow cookers and pot lids can reduce the monthly utility bill.
Jan 29, 2016 11:07AM
Aspen is the third municipality in the country to shift entirely away from fossil fuels, thanks partly to price drops in renewables and government disincentives for coal.
Waste and debris pulled from the ocean, including plastic, yarn, fibers, and fishing nets, will be woven into some Adidas shoes this year.
We can make our Joe-to-go more planet-friendly by foregoing the paper cups and plastic stirrers.
Jan 29, 2016 11:06AM ● By Avery Mack
Is it hard finding that special someone who really “gets” you? Online green dating sites can connect you with a world of like-minded prospects.
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