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Natural Awakenings Greater Boston - Rhode Island

Creating a Happier, Healthier, Home for a Better Life

May 31, 2012 11:06PM ● By Daniel Sharp


Imagine a life free of mental, emotional, and physical clutter. Imagine waking up each morning and returning home each night surrounded by physical affirmations of health, vitality, abundance and joy. Such are the goals of Soul Coaching, which takes ideas that are steeped in ancient tradition and applies them to the challenges of modern life. The process involves such techniques as daily affirmations, guided meditations, and the ancient art of Feng Shui, which addresses the energy of the home.

There are three main rooms in the home that often have the strongest effect on a person’s health and happiness. Take an honest look at the following areas and assess their energetic qualities:

Bedroom - Does the bedroom exude exquisite peace and calm? Once inside, do the cares of the day melt away?

Kitchen - Is the kitchen a physical representation of energy and abundance? Is it a room that nurtures the body, mind, and spirit with thoughts of good nutrition?

Bathroom - Does the bathroom purify and uplift? Does it pulse with feelings of cleanliness and rejuvenation?

If the answer to any of the above questions is “No,” the questions then become, “How can more positive feelings be brought into this room?” and “What can be done right now to change the feel of this space?” Ideas include changing wall colors, hanging artwork, bringing in fresh flowers or rearranging the furniture. Even simple changes can yield profound results. A home that feels abundant will create more abundance and a home that feels loving will generate even more love. Likewise, a healthy feeling home will manifest even more vitality.

If clutter is an issue, daily affirmations can be very helpful when paired with physical clutter clearing. Affirmations focus on the positive and encourage the mind and body to work as if the desired effect were already achieved. Clearing toxic mental clutter is important, as self-destructive thoughts can sabotage even the best efforts. Try repeating the phrase, “All my needs are met above and beyond my greatest expectations,” as often as possible.

Finally, adding a “Joy Journal” to the mix can nurture true gratitude and open the doors to abundance. The journal is a place to record moments of bliss and things that evoke a sense of joy throughout the day. Such journal processes have been shown to life states of depression, calm the mind and even increase immunity.

To learn more about Soul Coaching with Daniel Sharp, call 781-763-7685 and visit