Stress-Management Strategies for Better Quality of Life

Vicki Loberman, owner of Room2Improve wellness coaching, organizing and personal training services, has created a personal stress profile for people who want individualized strategies for managing stress. “According to the American Institute of Stress, 43 percent of adults suffer adverse health effects due to stress, and more than 75 percent of all visits to primary-care physicians are for stress-related complaints or disorders,” says Loberman. “It’s become a national epidemic, but there is something we can do about it.”
Loberman says her profile will assess a client’s personality, particular sources of stress and current methods for handling it. Using these assessments, Loberman will build a client’s personal stress-management portfolio for improving life by effectively managing stress. “The word ‘stress’ can mean different things to different people,” says Loberman. “So it’s logical that before anyone can launch an effective stress management plan, they need a personal stress profile.”
Loberman is offering a free, in-depth personal stress profile to the first Natural Awakenings reader to email [email protected].
For more information, call 617-610-9551 or visit