Recognizing Nutritional Needs with Morphogenic Field Technique: Therapy Spotlight

Kristine Jelstrup
Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT) describes a series of procedures performed in a professional health care setting with the goal of communicating with the body, via its nervous system/energy field, or Morphogenic Field. Also called the M-Field, this energy resonance informs the practitioner and patient about the nutritional needs of the body at the cellular level. The entire procedure takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes when performed by a skilled practitioner.
The MFT procedure was developed to address the nutritional challenges created by the degrading food supply in America. Fortunately, these challenges are often resolved using customized dietary changes combined with organic whole food-sourced supplements. When MFT is performed, the body’s nervous system, through its energy field, has the opportunity to provide “information” about the nutritional needs of that person. With this important information, the patient can be advised of the nutritional changes required to keep their energy field large and balanced, moving them toward greater health.
While performing the procedure, the health care practitioner first measures the M-Field for size and symmetry. In other words, is it “big” and is it “balanced”? If the patient’s M-Field is small (less than 2 feet) or asymmetrical (larger in the front than in the back, for example), the patient is considered to have a health challenge. Next, it is determined if this challenge can be corrected with the right nutritional supplementation or dietary change. If so, the appropriate changes are advised. At the end of the procedure, with the right nutritional protocol, the patient’s energy field will be larger and more symmetrical.
“The MFT procedure is incredibly fast, efficient and accurate,” says Kristine Jelstrup, a natural health care practitioner in Cambridge who is certified in MFT. “Invariably, as the patient’s energy field expands, becomes more balanced and stable, their overall health improves. Today in America, there is not a single person without a nutritional health issue as a result of 150 years of dietary degradation brought upon by the commercial food industry. If your health is less than optimal, you might consider making an appointment for an MFT session,” she encourages.
For more information about MFT, visit Kristine Jelstrup owns Central Square Health and Wellness, 126 Prospect St., #5, Cambridge. Call 617-833-3407 or visit