Support Farm Animal Welfare in Massachusetts

Now through November 2016, volunteers are spreading out across the state, gathering signatures to place a measure on next year’s ballot that would protect farm animals from being exposed to routine cruelty in industrial “factory farms”. Dubbed, “Act to Prevent Cruelty to Farm Animals”, it would simply require that hens used for eggs, female pigs used for breeding, and newborn calves raised for veal be given enough space to stand up, lie down, turn around and extend their limbs. The modest measure would also require that many meat products and eggs sold in the Commonwealth meet that basic requirement.
The campaign has gained the support of sustainable agricultural producers across the state. The overwhelming majority of Massachusetts farms are cage-free already, and many family farmers are sick of factory farm operators that cut corners on food safety, animal welfare and environmental stewardship.
The coalition pushing for the measure, called Citizens for Farm Animal Protection, includes the Animal Rescue League of Boston, Berkshire Humane Society, and the MSPCA, as well as national groups like the Humane Society of the United States, the ASPCA, the Center for Food Safety, and United Farm Workers.
To learn more, call 617-522-2016 or visit