New Compost Service to Transform Food

Whether one lives in a small space in the city with no room to compost, a suburban neighborhood where enjoying a beautiful garden is better than dealing with the flies and smells of a compost pile, or a rural area where raccoons and skunks have more fun in the compost than one would digging and sifting to get to the black gold, everyone can benefit from City Compost’s new home composting service.
City Compost’s new, one-of-a-kind, weekly service occurs directly at the individual’s residence with a fresh bucket dropped off each week. All types of food, including meat and dairy, cooked and raw, oily and saucy can be included plus plain paper products and uncolored newspaper print as well. The best part is that customers can opt to receive independently processed compost back (start now and in time for next spring) or it goes to support growing more fresh food elsewhere.
Adam Jankauskas of City Compost shares, “Just one full bucket creates enough compost for a new square foot of gardening space. I am so excited about seeing fresh food growing all over, increasing access to fresh produce for everyone, all while saving people money.”
Cost: Service starts at a rate of just $5 per week and is available across Massachusetts. To get started with this new service, call 978-378-3048 or visit