SYMMETRY Neuro-Pathway Training Launches New Program

SYMMETRY Neuro-Pathway Training, formerly BrainCore USA, launches a more efficient and cost-effective Neuro-PT software program that optimizes brainwave patterns for individuals seeking to reduce negative symptoms and try an alternative method to medication. SYMMETRY Neuro-Pathway Training program is for individuals, families, students and professionals, and now at-home training is available for individuals or families that want to train their brain but cannot come to a SYMMETRY Center in-office location.
SYMMETRY Neuro-PT is comprised of proven methods to strengthen vital brain connections. Enrollees experience noticeable, useful and lasting transformations as a result of helping their brain better regulate itself. This often improves their ability to manage their thoughts, reactions, and relate with the outside world in harmonious and productive ways. These abilities improve significantly, with a noninvasive and drug-free approach, that also enhances the effects of other therapies.
For more information, call 844-272-4666 or visit