May 29, 2015 11:12AM
Efforts are underway to recruit and train veterans to work on small farms for both financial and therapeutic reasons.
Eight square miles a day of irrigated land is vanishing worldwide due to low rainfall and poor agricultural practices.
To combat rising sea levels and absorb more water, the port city of Hamburg, Germany, is creating 27 square miles of linked green space
Abuse and torture of animals is now classified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as being on a par with homicide.
Once an importer of 70 percent of the world’s electronic and plastic waste, China recently decided to prohibit certain plastics; it puts new pressure on U.S. recycling programs.
Small organic molecules that absorb sunlight have been harnessed by scientists to produce power when built into windows and mobile devices.
Ants won’t bother your picnic or barbecue if you use natural materials like cinnamon and garlic to keep them at bay.
Nov 29, 2013 07:16PM
I Turn It Off is a new, national anti-idling campaign launched by Sustainable America, a nonprofit organization based in Stamford, Connecticut.
May 31, 2013 12:04PM
Helpful tips make an at-home car wash both energy-efficient and thorough.
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