An Evening of Pampering

The Central Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce, along with Natural
Awakenings magazine Rhode Island/Greater Boston, invites readers to SpoilMe Rotten, from 5 to 8 p.m., May 4, 2022, for a relaxing evening of complimentary
mini spa services, food samplings, wine tasting, shopping and more, at HarborLights, in Warwick.
This special
night of pampering will feature local small businesses providing a memorable
experience full of self-care and fun, designed for attendees to relax and
recharge. The first 250 attendees will receive a free gift. The evening will
also include line dancing lessons, a signature cocktail and entertaining food
$40. Location: 150 Gray St., Warwick, RI. For more information, call
401-732-1100 or visit