Guys and Infertility
Feb 26, 2021 09:30AM ● By Ronica O’Hara
Dahcia Lyons-Bastien/
Although researchers have long focused on female infertility, studies now show that for 40 percent of infertile couples, the problem lies in male sperm that is too sparse, slow, damaged or misshapen. Many of the strategies that improve egg quality also improve sperm quality, researchers are learning. This includes a healthier diet with more antioxidants, supplements that include a multivitamin and ubiquinol, detoxing the home and workplace of chemicals, cutting out smoking and lowering or stopping alcohol use. Other strategies include:
- Acupuncture to improve the concentration, volume and motility of sperm.
- Tossing lubricants with ingredients like petroleum, propylene glycol, glycerin, parabens, silicone and Nonoxynol-9 that hamper sperm movement and viability.
- Keeping cell phones out of side pockets. A Cleveland Clinic study found that pocketing cellphones more than four hours daily reduces sperm count, motility and viability.
- Wearing boxer shorts instead of briefs and forgoing hot tubs to keep testes temperatures low for sperm production.
- Exercising just enough. Studies show that men who exercise regularly, but not too extremely, have higher testosterone levels and better semen quality.

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